Trade Agreement

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Trade Agreement Offer

A Trade Agreement (TA) can be made between two Players. For twenty thousand Astro Dollars you can send or accept an offer of a Trade Agreement to or with another player. Every Player may have a maximum of 5 Trade Agreements with different partners. The Update for Trade Agreements occurs only once each day.

Notification of a Trade Agreement offer
11:47:22 - Nov 21AllesRoger offered you a trade agreement.
Accept / Decline.

If the other player accepts (costing him/her 20000 Astro Dollars as well, except for the Trader Race). Then you will get an income bonus (Production Points (PP), Science (SP), Culture/hour, Growth/hour). You will receive 1% for each planet your trade partners own which have a population equal to or greater than 14.

Example: you have two trade partners. Partner A has five planets with populations of 15, 14, 5, 5, 3 and partner B has four planets with populations of 11, 10, 10, 2. You will receive 2% from partner A and 0% from partner B, so your total Trade Revenue will be equal to 2%.

Trade Agreement Screen

The total bonus received from Trade Agreements will be shown in the Trade Screen, listed as Trade Revenue, and changes in accordance with your partners' population levels increasing (or decreasing due to resignation/loss of planet).

Trade agreement page of the Trade Screen

There are three levels of status for a Trade Agreement:

  1. request is pending = the player has made an offer, but the player he offered it to has not yet accepted it;
  2. establishing trade infrastructure = the offer was accepted and will be activated at the next Daily Update;
  3. active trading = the agreement is activated and the player receives the bonus next to that partner's name.
Note: The player only receives bonuses from 'active trading' agreements, but the number of agreement slots used out of the limit of five includes all accepted offers, which means those marked 'establishing trade infrastructure' as well as those which are 'active trading'.

Example: In the above image, 'active trading' shows the player earns 18% from Oin; 'establishing trade infrastructure' indicates the offer received from crogy has been accepted by the player and will become active at the next Daily Update; 'request is pending' indicates the player offered a Trade Agreement to Brittany who has not yet accepted it. The number of agreement slots used is 2/5 - Oin and crogy, because one is active and one is accepted and waiting to become active.


You are not able to cancel a Trade Agreement once you accepted the offer or your offer was accepted.

If your offer is declined, the agreement is cancelled and your money will be returned almost immediately.

If your offer is not responded to within after 48 hours, it is cancelled and your money is returned.

Upon mutual acceptance of a Trade Agreement you will not receive the bonuses until after the next Daily Update at 03:00 GMT (02:00 GMT during daylight saving). Until this time, the status will show as 'establishing trade infrastructure'.

If one of your Trade Agreement partners resigns, they will disappear from your list and you will no longer receive the bonus they provided. You may then offer that agreement slot to another player upon payment of another fee. No refund is given if a player resigns. Note: during Gold Edition 1 after a Trade Partner resigned, the slot remained locked and could not be used again. It is possible this was caused by a bug in the game code, and it is not yet known if this has been fixed.

See also

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